👑🚫- You're Who?

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Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- No ship

Settings- Kageyama has a  YouTube channel and the team finds out

Kageyama Pov

I was on my phone as I waited for the team to get to my house. I was sort of nervous for them to see my room.

I had recently redid my room so that I could stream and record videos better. Not that I uploaded much but anyway.

I was on discord just texting with Phil when my doorbell rang. I got up and walked over as I continued to text Phil.

I opened the door and motioned them to come in. Some of them gave me weird looks but came in once I moved.

Honestly, it was pretty weird for me to be on my phone since I barely touched it at practice. Soon I put my phone away telling Phil I had to go.

"Sorry about that," I told them and lead them to my living room. "I got a few games to play and some movies. Sorry, it isn't more than that" I said.

I had about seven different games out and a whole shelf of movies to pick from.

"No this is more than enough. Thank you Kageyama" Daichi said as he sat down.

I nodded before going to the kitchen to get the snacks that I had bought. I had gotten everyone their favorite snack.

I brought it out and grinned at everyone's shocked faces.

"I got everyone's favorite," I said.

"Kageyama this is too much. Let me pay you back for my snacks" Sugawara said as he pulled his wallet out.

"No it's fine Suga," I said as I shook my head.

"This had to cost a lot though," he said with a frown.

"He's right Kageyama" Hinata said with a frown on his face too.

In reality it didn't really hurt my bank account. I had maybe spent 200 dollars max but I can see how this would be a lot to most people.

"It wasn't don't worry" I said and finally they all began to eat their snacks as we all just chatted for a bit.

"What are some of your guys hobbies outside of volleyball?" Noya asked suddenly.

I hummed and began to think. Do I want them to know I have a YouTube channel?

Really I never wanted to hide it but I didnt want them to use me. I had told a few people in middle school when I reached about 500k.

It didn't really go well because they justed wanted me to shout them out.

"I like read books whenever I have time" Sugawara said and looked at Daichi.

"I like to do puzzles sometimes" he said

"Music" Tsukishima said plainly.

"Cooking" Tanaka said and we looked at him. "What? I like making new things"

I chuckles softly and then everyone looked at me. I sighed a little.

Guess it's my turn.

"I actually game and have a YouTube channel" I said and looked down.

No one said anything for a few seconds.

"Wait really?" Hinata asked.

I looked back up and nod.

"Yeah I do" I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Thats so cool you'll have to show us some time" he said as he bounced up and down in excitement.

I nodded.

"I can do that" I said and we all went back to talking.

I didn't think I would tell the team like this but I'm not complaining. Plus they didn't treat me any different either.

That's definitely a plus.

Word Count- 600

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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