👑🚫 ◇ Not For Me

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Ship- No ship

Setting- Its lunch time and everyone is talking bout their type or crush

Kageyama Pov

I really wish I hadn't sat with the team today.

As I sat here quietly eating my food everyone, even Tsukishima, was talking about either their type or their crush.

It didn't both me much that they were talking bout it.

It was just uncomfortable how detailed they would.

Its not their fault either as they don't know it makes me uncomfortable.

I just hoped the bell would ring soon so they wouldn't notice I have been quiet this entire time.

I was looking at my food so I didn't notice Hinata waving his hand at me.

"Kageyama" I heard someone say and I looked up.

I saw everyone looking me and I shifted a bit.

"Sorry. What did you need?" I asked as Hinata looked at me with a bright smile.

"We just wanted to know if you have a crush or at least a type?" He asked making me look away.

"Ahh no to both" I muttered, but everyone heard.

I heard Tsukishima scoff before he started talking.

"What does the King think he's to good for people?" He asked making me wince slightly.

"No I don't. I just don't like people that way" I said knowing I was basically outing myself to my team.

They all seemed confused until Sugawara started talking.

"Can you elaborate? If you're comfortable with that" He asked as I nodded.

"Its fine you guys would of found out sooner or later" I said as I calmed myself down a little.

"Well I only see people as best friends or just friends in general. I dont really have a desire to be in a relationship or have sex with anyone" I said softly as I looked down at my food.

I was expecting laughing or really anything bad in general.

"Im glad you told us Kageyama" Daichi said with a soft smile.

"If I'm correct thats aromantic and asexual?" Hinata asked

(You can't tell me Hinata isn't the type of person to look up sexualities and just learn about them to understand people)

I looked at Hinata and nods.

"Yeah usually I have to tell people tgat" I said as he chuckled.

"I do my research. I had a friend that was aromantic and I learned about it to understand them better" he said with a grin on his face.

Everyone just congratulated me and told me if they every did something that made me uncomfortable to just tell them.

"Thank you guys" I said before we all separated for class.

I'm so glad I have a team that's like family.

Word Count- 476
Hope you guys like this.

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