👑🏐- Watch Out

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Ship- KageHina

Setting- Kageyama and Hinata spend the weekend playing video games together

Kageyama Pov

"Shoyo watch out" I called into the mic as Hinata turned around just in time.

He was able to shoot the guy and contuine on.

"Thanks Kags" he said into his mic.

"Yeah yeah" I said and looked around.

"This is getting stressful" he whined into his mic as he contuined on with me protecting him.

"Youre the one that wanted to do this one" I told him.

"I know but I thought it was gonna be okay" Hinata said.

"It said level difficulty expert. What part of this is gonna be easy?" I asked him. "Look out" I told him once again.

I was able to kill the guy before Hinata could turn around.

"Thanks and I dont know. Maybe because there is two of us" he suggested.

I just sighed.

"Shoyo they recommend four people do this" I said.

"Oh well. We're doing just fine" he said cheerfully.

"Sure" I said sarcastically.

"I feel like you don't believe me" he said and I knew he was pouting.

"What makes you think that?" I asked him.

"They way you said 'sure'" he said.

"Hm, well you'll have to figure that out on your own" I told him as we neared the end of the mission.

"Youre mean" he told me.

"Yeah and you still love me" I said with a grin.

"Yeah I know and stop grinning I can tell you are" he said as he cheered as we finished the mission.

"Finally after two hours" I said as I stretched and cracked my back.

"Break?" He asked.

"Yeah we should. Go get some water and food" I told him before muting and going to get water and food.

I brought it back to my computer and put my headphones back on. I unmuted myself.

"You back?" I asked.

"Yeah and I got water and food. My mom actually brought it up" he said.

"Good" I said and began eating.

I heard Hinata began to eat and smiled.

"Did we have homework this weekend?" Hinata suddenly asks.

"I dont think- Oh fuck" I said as Hinata began laughing.

Word Count- 372

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

6 days till my road test can't wait ✌

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