😁👑- Excited

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Might change Lev emoji idk yet

Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- LevKage

Setting- Lev comes home with some exciting news

Kageyama Pov

The door opened as I was cooking dinner. Soon arms wrapped around me and I smiled as I looked up.

"Hey Lev" I said softly as he grinned at me.

"Guess what?" He asked excitedly.

I grinned at his excitement.

"What?" I asked.

"Yaku says I'm getting better at recvies. Thank you for helping me" he said as he kissed my cheek.

"Youre welcome" I said as i leaned into the kiss.

Lev looks at dinner and gets plates out and sets the table. He chats about how his practice went as I listened.

I finished dinner as Lev talked.

"Sit down I got it" he said making me nod.

I went and sat down at the table. I watched as Lev set everything up on the table.

Soon he sat down across from me and we began eating and chatted a little.

"Would you like to go to practice with me tomorrow? I know you have the day off but the team really wants to see you again" he said with a grin.

"Sure, I'd love to" I said as I ate more of the food.

We both finished eating and cleaned up together.

"Go take a shower I got the rest" I said as I pushed him lightly out of the kitchen.

"Alright alright I'm going" he said as he went upstairs.

I finished up cleaning and went to our room and cleaned up the few things that were out of place. Once Lev got out of the shower I hopped into a shower.

I yawned as I washed my hair. It had been a stressful week.

With tests almost every day and practice was stressful and exhausting. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth.

I went back to our room and got dressed. I got onto bed and smiled as Lev was already asleep.

I guess it had been a stressful and exhausting week for both of us

Word Count- 350

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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