📱👑 ◇ All I Wanted Was You

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This was requested by evilyq
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Ship- SunaKage

Setting-  Ever since the first game at nationals Suna and Kageyama had been spending time together

Kageyama Pov

It was after our first game and we had some down time.

Suna and I had bonded a little and we had been spending time together.

He was quite different then my team, but I liked that.

Sometimes it was exhausting having to put up with my team.

The same seemed to go with Suna, so we decided to spend our down time together.

We actually got along together pretty well.

We were just going around at all the little shops and seeing if there was anything we wanted.

I had bought a few things as did Suna as well.

I saw him looking at a few of the earrings and bracelets.

"Gonna get one?" I asked him and he jumped a little before shaking his head.

"No, I dont have enough anyway" he said as he contiuned looking at other stuff in the shop.

I checked how much money I had before picking up a set of earrings and two bracelets.

I quickly went over to the cashier and paid for them.

I waited for Suna and before we left to go back to our teams I handed him the bag.

I smiled at him before going to my team as he looked into the bag with a shocked expression.

~Time Skip~

It has been a few months of Suna and I hanging out whenever we could.

I have been in a few relationships since Suna and I have met, but they never worked out.

Suna and I were at my house and we were talking about our crushes for some reason.

"Hinata seems interested in you" he said out of the blue as we hadn't been talking for about 5 minutes.

"Boke? Really?" I asked him in shock.

I didnt even know that Hinata was interested in me.

I thought he was interested in Kenma since they got along together so nicely.

"Yeah, he is. What about you?" He asked me as he turned to look at me.

I shrugged slightly "I dont think our relationship would work out" I said quietly

"Why not? You guys seem close" he said as I signed.

"I dont like him like that" I said as I laid down on my bed.

"Then who do you want?" He asked and I tried to stay quiet, but I couldnt.

"All I want is you" I said as I sat up and looked at him.

Suna just looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Really?" He asked hopefully as I nodded.

"I dont think I've ever wanted someone as much as I want you" I said as Suna smiles.

"I guess were in the same boat then" he said before he kissed me.

Unfortunately Suna had to leave later that evening.

I couldnt stop smiling as I laid back into bed.

Suna and I texted all night and I almost missed practice, but I couldnt care less.

Word Count- 515

Hope you guys liked this

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