🍞👑 ◇ The Fight

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Ship- OiKage

Setting- Everyone can tell Kageyama is in a bad mood and Tanaka asks why

Kageyama Pov

I signed as I walked into the gym today. Last night Oikawa and I got into a fight.

It was my fault but at the time I didnt see that. I quietly got my shoes on as everyone talked amongst themselves.

I just watches them as I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Practice had begun and I hadn't said a word.

I knew everyone was worried but they didn't say anything. I was glad for that but I knew sooner or later one of them would ask.

It was one of breaks and Tanaka came up to me. I looked at him and waited for him to say something.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked after a minute.

I was about to answer but to my surprise and everyone I started crying. I tried to wipe my eyes quickly but couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Sorry its stupid. I shouldn't be crying" I said as Tanaka shook his head.

"Its not stupid if you're crying about it" he said. "Wanna tell me about it?" He asked.

I nodded my head as I looked at him.

"Thatd be nice" I said softly.

Tanka nods and sits with me and nods his head.

"I just had a fight yesterday with my lover. I know now that it was my fault but at the time I didnt. I feel so bad and I know he will forgive me but I still feel guilty for starting the fight" I said quietly so Tanaka only heard me.

"Well if your lover really loves you I bet he'll forgive you. Its okay to have an argument here and there. And you know you were wrong so its okay." He said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"Thanks Tanaka" I said as I wiped my eyes.

He nods as he smiled and we contiuned practice.

As I walked home from afternoon practice I couldn't wait to get home. I was gonna apologize to Oikawa and work this out with him.

Word Count- 360

Hope you guys enjoyed this and if youbhave any requests leave them in the comments or dm me

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