😠🍞👑 ◇ Marrying Them

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This was requested by tug04081
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Ship- IwaOiKage

Setting- Kageyama is walking down the aisle as he thinks about the past

Kageyama Pov

I was walking down the aisle and I couldnt help, but think about when Iwaizumi and Oikawa asked me out.


I was heading home from practice when I got a call from Oikawa.

"Hey Tobio-chan can you come over?" He asked and he sounded nervous.

"Yeah sure ill be there in 10" I said and hung up.

I changed course and began walking to Oikawas house.

I hummed softly to myself as I thought why Oikawa would be nervous.

I finally got there and knocked on the door.

It was Iwaizumi who opened the door.

He smiled at me and gestured to come inside.

I walked in as I smiled back and took off my shoes.

I entered the living room to see Oikawa pacing around nervously.

"Toru just sit down" Iwaizumi said as Oikawa nods and sits down.

I sat down on one of the chairs and looked at them.

"Is something wrong?" I asked them.

"No we just wanted to ask you something" Oikawa said as Iwaizumi nods.

"Okay what is it?" I asked as they both looked at each other.

"We both like you and wanted to know if you wanted to join our relationship?" Iwaizumi asked making me shocked.

I just stared at them with wide eyes.

"Wait... really?" I asked them with hope in my voice.

I had a crush on both of them, but knew that it would never happen as they both were dating each other.

But now.

They both had feelings for me.

"Yes" I finally said making both of them look at me in shock.

Oikawa was the first one to come over and hug me.

I hugged bacj and snuggled into his arms while I looked at Iwaizumi.

He got up and joined the hug.

"Cuddles?" I asked making both of them chuckle, but nod as they brought me over to the couch and we all cuddled till we fell asleep.

~End of Flashback~

"I now pronounce you guys married" The minister said as we all smiled at each.

I kissed Oikawa then Iwaizumi as everyone cheered.

I couldnt be happier right now.

I yelped as Iwaizumi picked me up bridal style and walked down the aisle with Oikawa in the tow.

"Iwa-chan I wanted to do that"  Oikawa whined from behind us as I chuckled and just leaned into Iwaizumis chest.

"To bad Toru I got to Tobio first" he said making me blush as we headed to the venue where everyone was gonna be at for dinner and cake.

I just closed my eyes and enjoyed being held by one of my now husband's.

Word Count- 469

Hope you guys liked this. Also if you have any requests leave them in the comments.

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