🦕👑 ◇ Jealously

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This was requested by @Idonotknowu

Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- TsukiKage

Setting- Tsukishima, and Kageyama are walking back from hanging out with Atsumu and Sakusa

Kageyama Pov 

Tsukishima and I were holding hands as we walked back to his house after hanging out with Atsumu and Sakusa.

He was quiet but even before we left he was quiet.

It made me a little worried.

"Kei?" I asked as Tsukishima looked at me.

''Yeah?" he asked.

"Are you alright? You've been really quiet," I said as Tsukishima signs.

"I'll tell you once we're at my house," he said and went quiet again.

I nodded and went quiet as we walked the rest of the way back to Tsukishima's house.

He opened the door and let me in and I took off my shoes before entering the house more.

We went up to his room and I laid on his bed as he sat in his chair at his desk he has in his room.

"So are you gonna tell me?" I asked as Tsukishima nods.

"I was just jealous," he said quietly. "I shouldn't be because I know you're dating me but Atsumu calls you by your first name. I don't know why it's getting to me this time"

I got up and went over to him and grabbed his hands.

"It's okay Kei. We all feel emotions even if we know we shouldn't. Like sometimes I get jealous when you use Yamaguchi's first name but  I know you guys are childhood best friends and are close to one another," I said softly as Tsukishima looks up at me.

"Really?" he asked as I chuckled and nodded.

"Yes really," I said.

"Okay sorry about all this," he apologized.

"You don't have to apologize for your emotions Kei," I said as Tsukishima smiles.

"Now didn't you say you were gonna help me with my homework?" I asked him.

"Then get your homework Tobio," he said as he went over to the bed and waited for me.

I got my homework out and went over to the bed and got everything situated so Tsukishima could help me.

We worked on my homework for the rest of the time I was over at his house

Word Count- 349

Hope you guys liked this 

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