👑🚫- Not Anymore

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Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- No ship

Setting- Its years after high-school and Kageyama doesn't play volleyball anymore

Kageyama Pov

I just got all the groceries I needed and went to the checkout. People recognized me still from high school which was strange to me.

After high school I stopped playing volleyball competivly. I play with friends for fun and that's it.

It was just to much stress as I contuined playing into college. Always being judged and shit.

I exited the store after giving the cashier my autograph. Seriously how is this still happening?

It's been over five years since I played competivly. I began walking home and hummed.

I went past a park and looked over and saw some kids playing volleyball. I must of stopped because the kids looked over at me.

"Do you play sir?" One of them asked.

I shake my head with a chuckle.

"Not anymore" I said before contuining on my way home.

Volleyball will always be something close to my heart. It gave me courage, determination, and most importantly friends.

Friends that i still talk to today. Friends that I still play volleyball with on the weekends at the beach.

Really what volleyball gave me was a family and I couldn't be more grateful for it.

Word Count- 220

Short but I think I really like this chapter.

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