💻👑- Video Games

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This is inspired by me playing Attack on Titan 2


I hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- KenKage

Setting- Kenmas favorite thing to do is play games with his boyfriend

3rd Person Pov

When Kageyama and Kenma got together to say it shocked everyone. No one had ever seen them interact with one another at all.

They didn't interact at matches or anything. Both of them were socially awkward and kinda the loner that only had friends because the other person either started talking to them or introduced them to their friends.

Kageyama didn't mind this as he was never good with social ques but he did enjoy having friends. Kenma on the other hand would rather just have Kuroo and his games.

Now Hinata to but that was a different story. What Kenma found out was that Kageyama played video games to.

He even played competitive games that Kenma played. They even were friends and didn't realize.

Probably because both of them never used voice chat whenever playing with one another. It's like they both knew exactly what the other person was gonna do.

It wasn't till recently when they both decided to use voice chat that they found out they knew each other. After that they both laughed and contuined on with the game.

It became a regular thing they would do. They were an amazing team in the game and climbed through the ranks quickly.

Kageyama had asked out Kenma when one of their matches had finished. Once Kenma heard Kageyama ask he just stared at his computer screen as blush climbed up onto his cheeks.

It took him a minute but eventually he responded with:

"Of course"

Once the weekend hit they went out on a date and it went well. They talked to each other just like they did whenever they were playing games.

Now they have been dating for a few months and still Kenmas favorite thing of the day is playing games with Kageyama.

They played for hours then they just stayed in their private voice chat and did their homework together so they could play more before bed. They both talked about different topics and discussed what they wanted to do after high-school.

It was relaxing for both of them. Kenma laid in bed after a whole day of playing videos games with Kageyama.

Obviously he took breaks to eat as Kageyama did to. He was getting better at eating and sleeping now that he and Kageyama were dating.

He smiled to himself and closed his eyes and in a cliche way Kageyama closed his eyes at the exact moment he did.

Word Count- 445

I didnt even realize that there was basically no dialouge.


Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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