😷👑 ◇ Stand By

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Ship- SakuKage

Setting- Kageyama was about to confess to Sakusa when something stopped him

Kageyama Pov

Since the Youth camp Sakusa and I have been texting.

Nonstop might I add.

Like whenever we both had free time we were texting and I started to fall for him.

I couldn't tell if he had fallen for me as he was always straight forward when he texted.

He said he liked to get straight to the point and honest and I like that about him.

Lately there has been minutes between texts even hours.

That hasn't happened before and it was starting worry me.

I waited for each text to come in, but still.

Currently Sakusa and I were at a Cafe that not a lot of people knew about.

It was perfect for Sakusa as he was a lot more comfortable when there wasn't a lot of people around.

We had just ordered and sat down at one of the tables and we were joking and laughing.

"Hey Kags? Can I tell you something?" He then asked me out of the blue.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked him as I looked at him and adjusted my mask slightly.

"Sorry I haven't been keeping up with our texts. I just been texting Atsumu recently. We... um... got together recently" he said as he was nervous. I could tell he was.

He was nervous about how I would react to the news.

I just smiled at him "Thats great Sakusa. Im happy for both of you" I said trying to hide the pain in my voice.

I must of hid it well because Sakusa looked at me and I could tell he was smiling under the mask.

His eyes always held a light in them when he smiled.

We contiuned to laugh and joke till our food got there.

We were only quiet till we finished our food.

I paid as we switch who pays everytime we go out.

Sakusa waves bye to me as he goes back to his house.

I go the other way as I have to take a train back to Miyagi.

I know I have to stand by while they're in a relationship.

Its for Sakusa's sake after all.

Word Count- 391

Hope you guys liked this

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