👑🚫 ◇ What Happened?

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Ship- No ship

Setting- Kageyama gets into a car accident and the team is waiting for him to wake up

Kageyama Pov

I groaned as I woke up.

I stared at the ceiling with a confused face

'This isn't my room and why does it feel like I've been asleep forever' I thought to myself.

I tried to get up, but I couldnt move.

I heard a gasp and I looked over to see the team.

I looked around more and saw I was in a hospital room.

"What?" I asked softly as Hinata raced over to the bed.

"Kageyama you're awake" he said with tears in his eyes.

I furried my eyebrows as I saw the tears.

"Why are you crying? Wait why is everyone crying?" I asked as I took a look at everyone.

"You were in a accident " Daichi said as he came over to the bed.

"What kind. It feels like I was run over with a bus" I said as everyone winces.

"What?" I asked.

"Well thats close to what happened" Sugawara said.

"It was a car accident" Noya said.

"I dont remember it" I said softly as I looked at them.

"The doctor said that you probably won't" Daichi said as I nodded.

"C-can I have some alone time please" I said as now that I was more awake everyone being the room was among me anxious.

"Of course we'll visit you tommorow. Probably two at a time instead of all of us" Daichi said making me smile.

"Thanks" I said as I waved bye to everyone.

I signed once everyone was gone.

'Nothing feels broken so hopefully I'll be back playing volleyball soon' I thought as I just stared out the window next to my bed.

Word Count- 302

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