Aoba Johsai vs. Shirtorizawa

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This is honestly just a crackhead idea. It doesn't have to do with Kageyama but hopefully you guys will like this.


Setting- Aoba Johsai and Shirtorizawa are having a practice match

Oikawa Pov

Today we are having a practice match against Shirtorizawa. I couldnt wait as our practice matches are always so hilarious.

Everyone is so laid back during it.
Even Ushijimia which kinda shocked everyone but we've grown used to it now.

Currently we were on break as we had got to 8 points already. I was walking over to the benches where everyone was before Ushijima called to me

"Oikawa" he called and went over to the net.

I jogged over to the net and smile.

"Whats up?" I asked as he grinned at me.

"You know the joke we have right?" He asked as I nodded. "I know Iwaizumi also knows it. Do it and see how your teams reacts"

My eyes widen as I looked at him.

"Youre a genius. Thanks Ushijima" I said before jogging over to my team with head down.

My bangs covered my face so everyone on my team was worried. I had also changed my posture as I went over to them.

Iwaizumi came over to me but stopped as he saw my grin. He then nodded and I looked up at him.

I could see everyone on my team watching us.

"You know Iwa. You know what I should of done" I said starting the joke and he caught on.

"No Oikawa dont-" he said.

"I should of gone to Shirtorizawa" I said and had a serious tone.

Iwaizumi stayed silent to keep the seriousness but I could tell he wanted to laugh. I did to but I kept it in.

"What!?" The rest of the team yelled in shock.

I soon started laughing with Iwaizumi making them look at us in concern.

"Why are you guys laughing" Kindaichi asked.

"You guys are so gullible. You think I would actually transfer?" I asked them.

"With that tone of voice it was believable" Yahaba said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Aww you guys care" I said as I smirked at them.

"Duh we wouldn't want our captain leaving us" Kyotani muttered.

"Mad dog im glad you care" I said as I hugged him.

He pushed me off of him but he had a small smile on his face.

"Tch whatever lets go break is ovet" he said.

I grinned as I followed my teammates back to the court.

Word Count- 424

Hope you guys like this idea that my sister and I came up with

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