🕊👑- Inappropriate Question

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Anyone got a better emoji for Hoshiumi?


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Ship- HoshiKage

Setting- Kageyama watches as his boyfriend puts someone in their place

Kageyama Pov

I chuckled at something Hoshiumi said as we were walking together in a park. He looked at me and smiled.

I leaned down slightly and kissed his cheek making him blush.

"Aww you two are so cute" someone said and we both looked over at them.

"Thanks my boyfriend is really cute" Hoshiumi said making me blush.

He grinned at me as I playfully rolled my eyes. Hoshiumi and the stranger contuined to talk as I just listened.

I wasn't as outgoing as he was when strangers approached us. But sometimes Hoshiumi being that outgoing can get strangers to be very confident in the questions they ask.

Hoshiumi usually deflected the question or statement but sometimes they were persistent like today.

"You must bottom right?" They asked Hoshiumi making him stop talking.

We both kinda looked at them. Like, why would you even ask someone that?

"Thats none of your business" I told them. "We don't ask people if they top or bottom and you shouldn't either"

They just scoffed.

"Its a simple question"

Before I could speak again Hoshiumi did.

"Well if you must know then no I dont. Still you shouldn't ask people that like my boyfriend said. It's rude and disrespectful. I would get it if you were a close friend but you're a stranger" he said with a straight face which made them nervous.

They walked away after that and I sighed.

"Some people" I muttered and we contuined on our walk.

"Im sorry" Hoshiumi said once we got home.

"For what?" I asked.

"For telling them that you bottom. I mean its true but I didnt need to say that" he said sheepishly.

"Its fine. I don't mind" I said with a shrug.

Hoshiumi nods as he comes over and kisses me. I kissed back and smile as he pulls away.

"Cuddles?" He asked.

I nodded with a grin. "Cuddles" I agreed.

Word Count- 348

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