🤪👑- Banter

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I'm so done


This was requested by bokugosanger

Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- TenKage

Setting- Kageyama and Tendou are bantering back and forth and the teams get protective

Kageyama Pov

I rolled my arms as I warmed up for our practice match. I smiled slightly to Tendou whenever he would look over at me.

Soon we were playing and Tendou and I were bantering back and forth. The team tensed whenever Tendou would call me 'king' but I didn't realize.

"Is that all the King can do?" He asked teasingly making me smirk.

"Ooh I'll show you" I said as I set the ball to Asahi.

He was able to score the point and I smirked more. Tendou pouts a little which made him look even cuter.

"Aww is the monster sad?" I asked him teasingly as his team tensed up.

We both didn't notice like dumbasses.

"Yeah I am. Maybe you should do something about it" he said with a little smirk.

"Mm maybe after" I purred before winking at him.

We contuined like that through the whole match. Each team getting tense whenever we said 'king' or 'monster'.

It was after the match and I was getting changed. Tendou was about to approach me when the team made a barrier around me.

I looked at them confused but finished getting changed.

"Umm guys what's going on?" I asked as Tendou and I were both confused.

"Hes grown out of being the king you know" Hinata said with his arms crossed over his chest.

Tendou blinked, as did I, before he began laughing.

"Oh this is gold" he said through his laughing.

The whole team was confused.

"I didn't actually mean it. We were bantering back and forth. If he was affected by it then he would of been different while playing" he said making the team relax a bit.

"So overprotective" I said as he went around them.

"I got a date with this one so I'll see you guys tomorrow" I contuined as I waved to them.

Tendou chuckled as we walked away from them.

"My team was the same way when I said I was going to see you" he commented as we contuined walking.

"They just are overprotective. Which isn't a bad thing" I said as we got to the cafe we were having our date at.

Word Count- 400

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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