👑🚫- Parents? I Dont Got That

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Ship- No ship

Setting- The team is talking about their parents and Kageyama just wants to go home

Kageyama Pov

The team had decided that today was a good day to go out to a restaurant together. Now that was fine if the topic of dinner was parents.

None of the team knew my parents are dead. I didn't want them to know.

I had to make something up. I wasn't really listening and before I knew it, it was my turn.

"Kageyama" I heard and I looked up.

Sugawara was looking at me. Well, really the whole team was starting at me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"It's your turn," Sugawara said with a smile.

I nodded and sighed.

"They're overseas. I don't remember a lot about them" I said with a shrug.

I knew the team didn't buy this but they continued anyway. I sighed in relief and the rest of the dinner passed smoothly.

I got asked some questions but mostly just played them off. All I knew about my parents was that they were nice people.

At least that's what my sister and grandfather told me. I just had to believe them.

I had no way of knowing if they are telling the truth or not. It didn't matter anyway.

I was walking home when Hinata ran over to me.

"So who do you live with?" He asked as his head tilted.

"Myself," I said with a shrug.

Hinata frowns.

"That must be lonely," he said.

"It's fine. I've been living like this since middle school" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Really? That long" he exclaimed with shocked eyes.

I just nodded.

"Yeah... I was living with my grandfather before he passed and my sister is in college" I said as I looked at him.

What shocked me was the way he was looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"If you ever wanna stay at my house you can," he said after a second.

This time it was my turn to be shocked. I just blinked at him a couple of times.

"I- thank you Hinata" I muttered and began walking again.

"Anytime. I'll see you at school on Monday" he said as he went on his way home.

I continued walking home as I thought about Hinata's offer. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend one night over there.

Just maybe.

Word Count- 405

Maybe part 2 where he tells the team??

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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