🦕👑🏐 ◇ Wish That Were Me

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Ship- TsukiKageHina

Setting- KageHina had just gotten together and Tsukishima silently was just watching them as everyone congratulated them

Tsukishima Pov-

I watched as everyone congratulated Kageyama and Hinata on their new relationship.

I was happy for them, but I couldnt help but be jealous.

Really its my own fault for being jealous as I had a crush on both of them.

I knew both of them dont like me. Why would they?

I sign a little as I continued watching them and saw Kageyama look over at me, but I ignore the look.

Kageyama Pov

I looked over at Tsukishima and saw he was farther away from everyone, but still near us so no one got suspicious unless they were really looking.

He had congratulated us before anyone else could and he seemed happy for us, but there was a underlining tone of sadness.

What everyone didnt know is that Hinata and I have been dating for a few months now.

We just decided to tell everyone now as when we first got together we werent ready for everyone to know.

Hinata and I had been talking recently and realizied that we both like Tsukishima.

"Sho can you come here for a second" I called over to him as he was talking with most of the team.

He looked over and nods and quickly ran over to me.

"Yeah Kags?" He asked as I nodded over to Tsukishima trying not to be suspicious of what we were about to do.

Hinata lights up and nods "Yes lets do it" he said with a smile on his face.

I grabbed his hand and we both went over to Tsukishima.

"Tsukishima"I said as he turned to us

"Yes? Do you need something?" he asked as Hinata began bouncing in excitment making Tsukishima crack a small smile

"We just wanted to ask you something, but can we do it a bit private?" I asked as Tsukishima nods and we all exit the gym and go a little bit aways.

Hinata didnt want anyone hearing what we were about to ask as it was a private matter between Tsukishima and us.

"I think we're far enough away" I said as Hinata nods adn we both look at Tsukishima

"What is it that you had to ask me?" he asked as we both looked at each other.

We both had agreed that Hinata would ask since he was better at asking this kind of stuff.

"Tsukishima I have noticed how you look at us" Hinata said making Tsukishima shocked and was about to say something when he held up his hand.

"Its fine Tsukishima, but we want you to join our relationship" He said and Tsukishima eyes widen even more.

"W-what?" he asked

"We want you to join our realtionship. We talked recently and came to realzie that we both like you" I said as Tsukishima blushed a little making Hinata and I smile.

"R-really? You guys arent playing some joke?" He asked

"No we aren't playing some joke Tsukishima. We wouldnt do that" Hinata said as Tsukishima nods

"I'd like that" He said quietly making Hinata jump around Tsukishima and I chuckle

"Do we have to tell everyone right now?" Tsukishima asked as we both shook our head.

"No we dont. Whenever you're comfortable with it" I said making Tsukishima sign in releief

"Thank God" he said

Hinata bounces around and kisses Tsukishima and I on the cheek.

It made both of us blush, but I know we all are glad this happened to us.

Word Count- 601

Hope you guys liked this and if you have any requests then please leave it in the comments below

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