🤩👑 ◇ Height Doesnt Matter

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This was requested by bokugosanger
Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- NoyaKage

Setting- The team is teasing Nishinoya about his height and he does something that shocks everyone

Kageyama Pov

It started with just Tsukishima teasing Nishinoya. Then almost everyone started teasing him.

Now I know that he can handle it bit for some reason he looked more pissed as time went on. I didnt say anything as I just watched them.

"Aww is the grade schooler getting mad?" Tsukishima teased as he grinned at Nishinoya.

I grited my teeth a little as I was now starting to get mad. I kept a indifference face on so they wouldn't know I was mad.

"How are you ever gonna get a girl with that height?" Ennoshita said as Hinata yelled 'Hey!'.

They were close in height so it makes sense why Hinata would get offended by that to.

'He doesn't need a girl he has me' I thought as I rolled my eyes a little.

Soon a volleyball was thrown against a wall harshly making everyone quiet. I look up to see Nishinoya looking down.

He must of been the one to throw it.

"I've not had a good day today
I come here to see if I can relax and forget about it but no. I get teased while on breaks for aomethibg I can't control!" He yelled at the end making most of the team flinch.

I stand up to go comfort him but stop. He walked over to me and I freeze.

Everyone held their breath as Nishinoya grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me down. He then kissed me in front of the team.

My eyes were wide with shock before I closed them and kissed back. Once he pulled away he grinned at the team

"I dont need height to kiss my god damn boyfriend" he said in triumph as he shocked everyone again.

I just blushed as I smiled at him and he looked at me and grinned. He really makes me feel like the luckiest guy on earth.

Word Count- 348

Hope you guys liked this. And tomorrow will most likely be my face reveal I'm sooooo ready for that. Not really lol.

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