🤗📘👑- Im Their Boyfriend Too

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Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- BokuAkaKage

Setting- Kageyama has given up on telling people who's he in a relationship with

Kageyama Pov

It has been three months of Bokuo, Akaashi, and I being together. At first I told people.

My team, family, people who asked, etc but they never seemed to believe me. They always looked at me like I was crazy.

Always telling me that Bokuto and Akaashi were in a relationship and not to spread lies. I stopped after a few days.

Just stopped even talking about my relationship in general. If they didn't want to believe me then that's fine.

But some people went out of their way to remind me about the so called 'lies' I was spreading. It started getting hard to go to school.

I'm sure Akaashi and Bokuto both noticed but knew not to say anything till I told them about it. I was walking home from a long day at school.

The school day was long and practice felt to short. It's like I couldn't win.

The stuff that I liked and did felt to short and obviously the stuff I hated felt like it took forever.

I walked into the house and took my shoes off.

"Im home" I called out.

I heard sprinting and knew it was Bokuto. I opened my arms just in time for him to pick me up and spin my around.

I chuckled as I held onto him.

"Welcome home Tobio" he sajd with a grin as he set me down. "How was school and practice?" He asked as we moved further into the house.

"School was long and practice was to short" I said as I took my bag off.

Bokuto only hummed as we went into the living room where Akaashi was. He looked over and smiled.

"Welcome home Tobio" he sajd softly making me smile.

I went over to the couch and sat down. I sighed softly.

"Whats wrong?" Bokuto asked as he sat next to me.

"Just stupid stuff and school" I mumbled as I cuddled into Akaashi.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Just people don't believe I'm dating you guys. People go out of their way just to tell me to stop spreading my 'lies'. I haven't told anyone I am dating you guys for almost three months" I said as tears started dropping onto my face.

"Oh hun. Why didn't you say anything?" Akaashi asked.

"Didn't think it was a big deal" I said softly.

"Of course it's a big deal" he said as he played with my hair.

I nodded as I just let the tears goes down my face as Bokuto and Akaashi helped calm me down.

"What about we picked you up from school tomorrow? I know you don't have practice" Bokuto suggested.

I looked over at him.

"You guys would do that for me?" I asked.

Akaashi kissed my forehead as he nods.

"Of course we would. We want you to be happy" he said softly.

I nodded as I smiled.

"Sounds good you guys" I said softly.

Word Count- 515

Part 2 for when Bokuto and Akaashi pick up Kageyama?

I hope you guys enjoyed this tho

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