👑🚫 ◇ Please Wake Up

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Ship- No ship

This starts when Kageyama was in middle school

Setting- Kageyamas grandfather just died and he didn't want to believe it

Kageyama Pov

I was walking home like normal, but then an ambulance with its lights on went by me.

It was going in the direction of my house and I started running as fast as I could.

'It cant be my grandfather. He's fine' I thought as I contiuned running.

I finally got to my house and I see the ambulance outside it.

I saw my grandfather on a stretcher and I went over to them.

"Whats happening?" I asked one of the EMT's.

They didn't answer me, but let me into the back with my grandfather.

I held my grandfathers hand and he would squeeze my hand ever now and then to reassure me.

We soon got to the hospital and I was told to stay in the waiting area.

They immediately took my grandfather back to a room while I sat down.

I knew I was gonna be there for a while so I started doing my school work.

I didnt know if I was going to school the next day, but just in case I did.

It took me a lot longer to do my work because usually my grandfather would help me with it.

Sooner than I thought someone came out to me.

They didn't look like they had good news.

"Hows my grandfather?" I asked them and they signed.

"We can't save him, so we decided that you can come say goodbye" they said softly.

I froze as I heard those words, but followed them back to his room.

Once we entered I went over to my grandfather.

"Grandpa" I said as I kept my tears in and he looked at me.

"Im sorry Tobio" he said as I shook my head.

"Its not your fault" I said as I gave him a hug.

I felt him hug me back and we stayed like that for a bit.

I pulled away and he smiled at me before the heart monitor did a long beep.

I froze once again and let the tears run down my face.

"No grandpa wake up" I yelled, but knew it was useless.

They dragged me out of the room as I cried and screamed for my grandfather.

While I was calming down they put me under my sisters care.

She just said that she was take care of me, but really she was never home and I had to take care of myself.

I look up at the sky outside the Karasuno gym and let a single tear go down his face.

'I miss you grandpa' I thought as today was the anniversary of my grandfather death.

I had asked Daichi for a moment outside today and he granted it.

I wouldnt be where I was today if it wasn't for my grandfather.

Word Count- 494

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