😐👑 ◇ Bad Day

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This was requested by Gacha_Wolfie11
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Ship- UshiKage

Setting- Ushijmia picks Kageyama up from practice and he can tell something is off about Ushijima

Kageyama Pov

I wave bye to the team as I get into Ushijimas car

I smile at him and he smiles back and holds my hand as he drives back to his house.

I dont think anything of it as he always holds my hand as he drives.

We get  to his house after about 15 minutes of driving.

I get out of the car and walk with him into the house.

We both took off our shoes and went to his room.

I was about to go to his desk to get my worm done, but Ushijima drags me to his bed.

"Ushi I have to do my work" I said as I tried to get up.

"Later" he mumbled.

I look at Ushijima as he held me close to him.

"Bad day? I asked him.

He just nods as he nuzzled into my neck.

"Okay wanna talk about it?" I asked him.

"No just want to cuddle" he said into my neck.

I nod as I wrapped my arms around Ushijima.

We stayed like that for an hour.

During that hour I just played with his hair and was on my phone.

He finally loosens his hold and looks up at me.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Before you start your homework can you make me some hot chocolate?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah I can just wait here" I said and slowly got out of the bed.

I went to his kitchen and began making the hot chocolate.

After I was done I went back to his room.

Ushijima looks over and sits up in his bed.

"Thanks Kags" he said as he took the hot chocolate.

"Youre welcome" I said as I went over to the desk and began my school work.

We chatted while I did my school work and eventually I got everything done with the help of him.

Word Count- 347

Hope you guys liked this.

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