🦕👑🏐 - Famous Gamers

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Ship- TsukKageHina

Setting- All three of them are famous gamers but none of their supporters know that they all are dating

Kageyama Pov

I sat down in my gaming chair and stretched as I set everything up to stream.

"Tobio are you ready?" I heard Hinata call out.

"Yeah just finishing setting up" I said and put my headphones on.

I then jumped into a voice call with Hinata. We both had noise canceling headphones so we had to use the call.

I grinned to myself as Hinata and I joined the call. I went onto Twitch and started streaming.

In only a few minutes a couple thousands people were watching me.

"Welcome back everyone abd today we are playing World of Warcraft" I said as I was muted other call so Hinata and I could do separate introductions.

(Dont judge the game. It's what I've been playing recently)

I skimmed the chat with a soft smile.

"We plan on playing Genshin Impact in two days. We switch it up as Hinata doesn't like to play one game for a long time" I said.

I then unmuted on discord as I opened up the game.

"Shoyo?" I asked

"Yup are you on our characters that we made last night?" He asked.

"Just logging in so I will be in a minute" I said as I didn't notice someone come into my room because of my headphones.

I was just chatting away with Hinata as I waited to load into the game. Then I felt a kiss on my cheek.

I looked over and grinned. I moved my headphones so only one ear was covered.

"Hey Kei" I said softly "Good day at work?" I asked

He nods and I lean up and peck his lips. He grinned back at me and left the room.

I moved my headphone back and I knew Tsukishima was going to Hinata. Usually Hinata didn't have a webcam on like I did.

I heard through the call as Tsukishima entered and did the same thing he did with me.

I was focused on my game not even realizing how fast my chat was going. I invited Hinata to a party with me then looked over at the chat.

"Oh shit" I said.

"What?" Hinata asked.

"Do you have a webcam on?" I asked him.

"Yeah I do- oooh now I see" he said.

"Now everyone knows. Well the people that are on our streams right now" I said as we began questing together as we chatted.

"Well one less thing off our plates I guess" he said as we both chuckled.

Later that day on all our Instagram we confirmed that we all were dating. Obviously we had some haters but most of our fans were supportive of our relationship and that's all I could want in life.

Word Count- 481

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