😤👑- Relax Kageyama

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100k special is being worked on just been busy this week

Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- SugaKage

Setting- Sugawara forces Kageyama to have a chill day

Kageyama Pov

I grimaced as my alarm went off. It was the weekend but I was still getting up early.

I had too much to do today to just sit around. Well most of it was plans I made with friends but I coulsnt let them down.

I rolled out or bed carefully and rubbed my eyes.

"Dont you dare get out of that bed" I heard someone say.

I looked up to see Sugawara.

"Why?" I asked with a frown.

"Youre relaxing today" he said with a serious face.

"I cant! I have plans" I said.

"Well I already canceled them and they understand." He said.

I frowned but sighed after a few minutes.

"You sure they understand?" I asked softly.

He nods as he comes over to me.

"They do. They can tell how tired you are Tobio" he said as he kissed my forehead.

I leaned against him tiredly. He played with my hair as I relaxed.

Without even realizing it he had laid me back down. I was half asleep as he hummed a tune to a song.

I didn't know what song but it helped me relax more and fall asleep. I didnt wake up till around noon.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them. My room was clean.

Sugawara must of cleaned it. I slowly sat up and my door opened.

Sugawara smiles at me and places a tray in my lap.

"Thanks Suga" I said as I slowly began to eat.

He nods as he set the glass of water on my nightstand. We say in silence as I ate.

Soon I finished and he took the tray back to the kitchen.  I drank some of the water and laid back in bed.

Ya know maybe having a chill day isn't so bad once in awhile.

Word Count- 332

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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