🍞👑 ◇ I'm Far From Perfect

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This was requested by tug04081
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Ship- OiKage

Setting-  Every comment someone says Kageyama hears and soon enough he can't take them anymore

Kageyama Pov

I learned to ignore the comments in middle school.

It worked for a while as Oikawa and Iwaizumi helped me out, but then they graduated and I was all alone.

It became harder to ignore the comments, but I manged to do so.

Then high school came and I learned and grew how to help my team and give them feedback.

I also learned how to take their feedback to make myself and my team better.

I hadn't heard a comment from any of them besides Tsukishima, but I could tell he didn't mean them.

I would just roll my eyes and continue playing if I heard one of his comments.

It wasn't really till I was at the market getting a few things when I heard a comment.

"I heard they let The King of the Court onto a high school volleyball team" I heard making me tense.

"Why would they do that? He'll only bring the team down" I head another one say.

I didnt listen to any of the other comments as I was to busy paying for my stuff.

I kept my head down as I walked home.

'Should I even be on the team? Is the team a burden with me on it? Am I only holding them back?' I thought as I didn't notice I had bumped into someone.

I also didn't notice that I was crying, but the person I bumped into did.

"Tobio-chan" I heard and I looked up to see Oikawa.

"Ooh Oikawa. Im sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking" I muttered as I moved around him.

I continued walking, but Oikawa grabbed my arm.

"Whats wrong?" He asked and I just looked away.

"N-nothing" I stuttered and cursed myself in my head.

"Come on lets get you home" he said softly and I nodded and just let him guide me home.

Oikawa had come over so much that he knew basically where everything was.

I just let him guide me home and into my bed.

"Now how bad were the comments?" He asked softly as he brushed my hair back making me blush a little.

"It wasn't bad. Just haven't heard them in awhile so when I did hear them. Everything came back to me" I said softly as he nods.

"Alright let me get ready for bed and ill join you" he said as I nodded and rolled over.

I smiled as I felt Oikawa slip into the bed behind me and hugged me.

I leaned into his chest and slowly fell asleep.

Word Count- 462

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