📱👑 ◇ Sleep Deprived

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Totally didn't make this chapter because I am currently sleep deprived

But I hope you enjoy

Ship- SunaKage

Setting- Kageyama hasn't been getting a lot of sleep and Suna notices

Kageyama Pov

I yawned as I walked to Sunas house. It had been a few days since I was able to get a full night of rest.

Between homework and practice I've been only getting a few hours. I've even started drinking coffee.

Not that the team knew about that. I always finished it before getting to school.

I walked into Sunas house and took off my shoes. I was glad it was the weekend but the teachers gave us loads of homework.

"Im here" I called out before continuing to enter the house.

"Im in my room" he called out and I smiled.

I went over to his room and entered. He looked over and smiled at first the frowned.

"What?" I asked him.

"When's the last time you slept?" He asked instantly.

I signed softly.

"Wednesday" I muttered.

Suna looks at me as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know I know but with homework and practice I've only been getting a few hours" I said as Suna signs and nods.

"Come on lets get you ready for bed" he said making me confused.

"But it's only 4 pm" I said with a confused face.

"It doesn't matter. You need your sleep. I'll help you with your homework either later or tomorrow" he said.

Soon I was out of my school clothes and into some of Sunas clothes. I got into his bed and got under the covers.

Suna smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I just need to change then ill lay down with you" he said as I nodded.

I hummed as I waited for Suna but it got harder and harder to stay awake. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep as Suna was getting into bed.

From what Suna told me is that he cuddled into me and fell asleep to. We slept till the next morning.

Guess we both needed more sleep then we thought.

Word Count- 358

Hope you guys liked this.

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