🦕👑- We Didnt Tell You?

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Ship- TsukiKage

Setting- Everyone is talking about their crush or partner

Kageyama Pov

We were all over at Noyas place just having a relaxing day off of practice. Somehow the conversation everyone was shaving was about crushes or their partners.

I honestly haven't been paying attention. I was just relaxing against the couch when Tsukishima nudged my leg.

I looked up and noticed everyone looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"We wanted to know who your crush is?" Hinata asked brightly

I shrugged.

"Dont have one" I said.

I technically wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the truth either. I could tell Tsukishima was holding in a laugh as I slightly glared at him.

"Does Tsuki know?" Yamaguchi asked bringing everyone's attention to Tsukishima.

"Uh- no I don't. Why would I know?" He asked

"Well you were holding in a laugh" Noya said as Tanaka agreed.

"No I wasn't" he denied even if everyone saw.

"So you're sure that you don't have a crush" Hinata said to me.

"I think I know if I do or don't boke" I said as he nods and finally leaves me alone.

That doesn't mean everyone else was gonna leave me alone. I could tell as everyone kept glancing at me and Tsukishima.

I was on my phone the next time Tsukishima nudged me. I looked up and at him.

I tilted my head at him as I knew that no one had called my name.

"Wanna tell them?" He asked quietly.

I frowned.

"Didn't we already?" I asked him.

Tsukishim hums.

"We did but they probably forgot. We did say it when everyone was busy and distracted as they didn't give it much thought" he said

I smiled at him.

"Well we can tell them at dinner" I suggested.

"Thats a good idea" he said and I went back to doing whatever I was doing on my phone.

After an hour we all were sitting around the living room eating. I was half way done when Tsukishima got everyone's attention.

"I would like to say something" he said and everyone looked at him.

"Alright go on Tsukishima" Daichi said.

Everyone quieted down and he looks at me. I give him a nod.

"I would like to say that Kageyama and I are dating" he said after a minute.

"Wait- what?" Tanaka and Noya cried out at the same time.

Everyone else congratulated us. The rest of the night was full of laughter and teasing from everyone but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Word Count- 430

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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