🤾‍♂️👑 ◇ Unexpected

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This was requested by clumsyyeet
I honestly didn't know what to put for Tanaka's emoji so if you have a better one put it in the comments
This chapter is brought to you by my stomach hurting for no apparent reason
Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- TanaKage

Setting- Tanaka doesn't realize he's staring at Kageyama till Noya points it out

Kageyama Pov

I was setting to Hinata and could feel eyes on me.

I knew it was Tanaka as he admires my skill at setting.

Just recently he asked me out.

I was confused as I thought he had done it on a dare.

But he didn't.

He explained to me that he was bisexual and had a huge crush on me.

I said yes and we started dating soon after that.

I was about to set to Hinata when I was spooked by someone.

"Bro why are you just staring at Kageyama?" Noya asked making everyone on the team look at Tanaka.

"Oh well, you know. His skill is amazing I didn't realize I was staring" Tanaka said nervously.

Noya shrugs before going back to practice but I knew other people were curious.

I smile at Tanaka not realizing some people on the team caught it.

I went back to setting for Hinata.

It was the end of practice when someone brought it up again.

"I think it was something else Tanaka" Tsukishima said suddenly.

Tanaka looks at Tsukishima with a confused face.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he changed and I hid my face from view.

"Something is going on between you and Kageyama," Tsukishima said making Tanaka tense.

"Leave it alone Tsukishima. It's none of your business" I said as I finished changing.

"Ohh the king is defending someone?" He asked making me grit my teeth.

I soon left and slammed the door behind me.

I waited for Tanaka at the bottom of the steps as I fumed with rage.

I heard Tanaka come down the steps and I looked up.

"Sorry about all that," he said as he looked down.

"It's fine I don't know why Tsukishima is being like this," I said as we walked back to my house.

We got to my house and just watched movies together before we both fell asleep.

The next day came around quicker than I would have liked.

I had taken a shower and got dressed before Tanaka even got up.

We were eating breakfast together before he said something.

"I'm telling the team," he said as he looked at me.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked as Tanaka nods.

"Completely," he said as I smile at him.

"Okay Ryuu," I said softly as Tanaka blushed but smiled back.

We soon left my house and walked hand and hand to the gym for practice.

I could tell Tanaka was getting nervous but was hiding it.

"You have me Ryuu. It'll be okay" I said to him as we were walking to the club room.

"I know. Thank you" he said before we entered the club room.

No one was in the club room so we began talking about how Tanaka was gonna tell everyone.

"Why don't you just tell Daichi you have an announcement?" I asked as he nods.

"That sounds like a good idea," he said before we made our way to the gym.

After about 10 minutes everyone was there and Tanaka went over to Daichi.

"Daichi I have an announcement before we start practice," he said and Daichi nods.

"Everyone gather around!" Daichi called out.

Everyone walked over to Daichi and Tanaka.

Daichi nods to Tanaka and he looks at everyone and calms himself.

"I just wanted to make an announcement" he began. "So after yesterday, I think people are curious and I'm just gonna say it. I'm bisexual and dating Kageyama" he finished and looked at everyone.

Before anyone could say anything Noya ran and hugged Tanaka.

"I'm so proud of you bro," he said as they both hugged.

"I'm glad you were ready to tell us, Tanaka," Sugawara said.

"Very brave of you," Asahi said as Tanaka smiled at him.

"Okay practice everyone," Daichi said after the congratulations.

Throughout the practice, I would look at Tanaka and I could tell he was freer now than ever.

Word Count- 725

Hope you guys liked this

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