💻👑 ◇ You're a Gamer?

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Hope you guys like this and if you have any requests leave them in the comments

Ship- KenKage

Setting- Kageyama secretly plays video games and Kenma finds out

Kageyama Pov

Its not like I hid that I played video games.

Its just that no one asked my hobbies outside of volleyball.

I mean sure, volleyball takes up a lot of my time.

But I dont just practice volleyball.

I do love to play video games.

It surprised Hinata at first, but he got over that quickly.

We actually accidentally played a match together on a game together in middle school.

We didnt know each others real names and only friends on the game.

When we found out we were already friends we burst out laughing.

Now I was playing video games as I waited for Kenma to get to my house.

I always hid my gaming stuff, but I just left it out today.

I was in the middle of a match with Hinata when I heard my door open.

"Im almost done just give me a second" I said thinking it was one of my parents "Hinata you need to cover me" I said into the mic.

Whoever was at the door froze, but I payed no mind to it.

My parents loved watching me play as they found it entertaining.

I didnt mind I was used to people watching me because of volleyball.

I quickly secured the checkpoint making us win.

I was MVP of the match and I grinned.

"See Hinata i told you I could do it" I said before I heard rhe person talk.

"So you play?" I heard Kenma ask making me look at him.

My eyes widen before I looked back at my game.

"I gotta go Hinata" I muttered before I exited the game and took the headphones off.

"I do. No one ever wants to know what I do outside of volleyball so" I said as I shrugged.

Kenma comes over to me and sits down.

He pulls me into a hug.

"Kags I'm your boyfriend of course I want to know what your interests and hobbies are besides volleyball" he said softly making me smile.

"Now we can all play together" I said making Kenma nod.

"Of course, but for now let's just cuddle" he said.

I was a sucker for cuddles so of course I immediately wanted to cuddle.

I moved some of my stuff off my bed and Kenma laid down.

I curled into his side as my head rested on his chest as we both relaxed in each others embrace.

Word Count- 436

Hope you guys like this and there will be no updates from Friday to Sunday as I just a break after I finish all my school work for this semester. Hope you guys understand.

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