😠🍞👑- Nothing Special

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Ship- IwaOiKage

Setting- Kageyama wonders why Oikawa and Iwaizumi are dating him

Kageyama Pov

It was the weekend and both my boyfriends are busy. We had the weekend all planned out and then something happened.

They didn't tell me what. They just said something about family.

I respect that but I can't help but wonder. Why are they even dating me?

What's so special about me? I can't think of anything.

I was so happy when they first asked me out. I had to keep a crush from them for the longest time.

They both were dating each other and I didn't think they were polyamorous. Well till they asked me out.

But anyway.

I still don't know why they're dating me. I have no good traits and I figured out that I'm really clingy.

I signed as I sat on my bed. I had Oikawas spare jerseys and snuggled into it.

I had one of Iwaizumis blankets that he keeps 'forgetting' to take back to his place. I signed as I laid down.

I opened my messages to see if either of them had texted.

"Fuck I really am clingy" I muttered to myself as I set my phone down.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Well I guess I could sleep.

Soon after that I fell asleep. It was only a few hours later that I semi woke up when someone's arms went around me.

I turned over to see Oikawa

"Toru?" I asked sleepily

"Shh go back to sleep. Hajime will be here soon" he whispered.

I nodded and leaned into his arms. Not even ten minutes later did Iwaizumi enter the room.

He quickly and quietly got ready for bed and climbed into it. He wrapped his arms around both Oikawa and I and I fell into a peaceful sleep with them.

Word Count- 314

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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