💻👑- Fuck Parents

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Ship- KenKage

Setting- Kageyama is having dinner at Kenmas house and it doesn't go as planned

Kageyama Pov

I sat down at the table and could tell everyone was tense. The whole room felt tense as we began putting food onto our plates.

Its like Kenmas parents wanted to say something but weren't. I just stayed silent as I ate.

Finally after a few minutes they began to speak.

"This is your friend Kageyama right?" His dad asked.

Kenma sighs and shakes his head.

"Boyfriend. I've told you this" he said.

"Right sorry" his dad said and went back to eating

His mom just stated at me or Kenma as she ate silently and tense.

"Is there something wrong mom?" Kenma finally asked at the end of dinner.

"Just... why are you dating him?" She finally asked.

I narrowed my eyes at her as Kenma looked at her with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked softly.

"Dont you wanna date a pretty girl and have some kids?" She asked Kenma like I wasn't even here.

Kenma shakes his head.

"No I don't and I don't plan on having kids" he said. "I've told you this. I can't take care of kid when I can barely take care of myself"

Kenmas mom just sighs like he wasn't getting the bigger picture.

"Hun, you gotta think about me. What if I want grandkids?' She asked.

Kenma just scoffed.

"Good luck then." He said with a roll of his eyes.

The rest of the time I was sober it was tense and silent as we cleaned up. Kenma walked me to the door and sighs.

"Sorry about dinner" he said quietly as I got my shoes on.

"Its alright. Honestly I thought it was gonna be a lot worse" I said with a slight chuckle

Kenma chuckles to and smiles. He waves bye to me as I walked back to the train station.

Word Count- 330

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