😷👑 ◇ Hobbies

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Ship- SakuKage

Setting- Kageyama and Sakusa are on their first date

Kageyama Pov

I was incredibly nervous for later today.

Sakusa had asked me out on a date at a Cafe that not a lot of people knew about.

It was perfect for Sakusa and I, so I said yes.

I had my outfit picked and everything so now I was just waiting for the time to come to go to the cafe.

I've never been on a date before so I dont know what to expect.

The hours ticked by like years and it felt like 3 o'clock was never gonna come, but it finally came.

I quickly got dressed and left my house and walked to the cafe.

It was closer to my house then I expected which is why I was able to leave only 20 minutes before our date.

I got there 10 minutes later and Sakusa was already there and had a table.

I went over and sat down and smiled at him.

"Hey Kags" he said as his mask moved a little to tell me that he was smiling.

"Hey" I said as I sat down.

"I already ordered us our food" He said as I nodded and fidgeted a little.

"Dont be nervous" he said.

"I cant help it. I've never been on a date before" I said as I rubbed my neck a little.

Sakusa nods before he started talking again.

"What kind of hobbies do you have?" He asked me.

"I like to play volleyball, but I also like to draw" I said with a smile on my face.

"I've been drawing since I was kid. No one really knows about it since they all think my only hobby is volleyball. Which is true, but thats just because volleyball takes up a lot of my time-" I was about to contuined when I realized I was rambling.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"Its fine. I love seeing you so excited about something  and it calmed you down to" He said making me realized that he was right.

I wasn't nervous anymore.

"Thanks Sakusa" I said as our food got there.

The rest of the date was a blast and Sakusa even walked me home.

Before he let me go inside he pulled down his mask and kissed my cheek.

My face erupted with blush as I did the same.

He blushed a little and smiled at me before pulling the mask back up.

"Ill see ya later Kags" he said as he walked away.

I watched him go with a love sick smile on my face.

Word Count- 450

Hope you guys liked this.

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