😷👑- Stand By- Pt 4

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I have decided to do part 4.
This is the last part as it's just Sakusa reaction to Kageyama ignoring him.
But I hope you enjoy

Ship- SakuKage

Setting- Kageyama is ignoring Sakusa and he doesn't know why

Sakusa Pov

I signed as I looked at Kageyama and I's messages. He has been ignoring me for a while now.

I dont understand why. He was fine a few days ago when we were texting.

Did I do something wrong? I then went to go check my calendar for Atsumu and Is date that we had planned.

I was looking on my calendar when I saw another event on it. I clicked on it and gasped.

It was when Kageyama and I were supposed to hang out.

'Thats probably why' I thought as I began thinking of ways to apologize to him.

I began pacing my room and groaned.

'This is way harder than I thought' I thought. 'Maybe we could hangout and I could apologize'

I nodded to myself and then texted Kageyama again. It was already 11 pm so I had to go to sleep.

'Hopefully he responds' I thought before I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and checked our messages. He had read it but didn't respond.

I signed to myself but left it alone. If Kageyama wanted time to himself then I will give that to him.

I then began getting ready for school and texted with Atsumu and little before he arrived at school. I left my house and put my phone in my pocket and headed to school.

'I hope he responds' I thought as I contuined on my way to school

Word Count- 283

Hope you guys enjoyed this and sorry it's so short.

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