😐👑 ◇ Hes Actually Really Sweet

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This was requested officialinuoka
Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- UshiKage

Setting- Everyone thinks Ushijima is stone cold, but Kageyama knows different

Kageyama Pov

I could tell something was wrong the instant I got to Ushijimas.

He didn't greet me at the door or give me a kiss.

"Ushi?" I called out into the apartment.

I received no answer and took off my shoes.

I walked into the apartment and looked for him.

I was starting to get worried till I entered his bedroom.

He was laying in the bed.

"Hey ushi" I said softly as I went to the bed.

He looked at me, but didnt say anything.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I sat down on the bed.

"Just people" he mumbled as he sat up.

I got into his lap and cuddled into his chest.

"What did they say?" I asked as he laid back down.

"Nothing important" he said as he burried his face into my neck.

"Its important if it made you upset" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

I heard him sign before talking "They just said that im cold hearted and don't know how to respond to emotions or social cues" he whispered.

I hummed softly "Well they're wrong" I said "You do have emotions and know how to respond to them"

"No I dont" he said as his grip tightened on me.

"Yes you do. You might be straight forward and honest, but you know how to cheer someone up and hype up your team" I said as Ushijima nods.

"Thanks Kags" he said softly as he brought the blanket over us.

"Nap?" I asked as he nods again.

"Yeah then we can go out to get food or I can cook us something"  he said as I smiled.

"I love you Ushi" I said as I saw him blush lightly.

"Love you to" he muttered before we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Word Count- 330

Hope you guys liked this

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