👑🚫- Dogs

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In light of me getting a other puppy I made this chapter

I'm using my dogs name and breeds i have just tweaked their ages a bit

Ship- No ship

Setting- After school everyday Kageyama takes his dogs on a walk and this time some of the team bumps into him

Kageyama Pov

I was walking home after practice at a semi fast pace. I couldn't wait to get home and relax.

Well take my dogs on a walk but that helps me relax. I opened the door to my home and instantly I looked up to see both my dogs sitting and wagging their tails.

I closed the door and they instantly ran over to me and I began petting them.

"Yes I'm home" I said as they both licked my face. "Okay let me get my shoes off" I said and they backed off.

Of course they were still excited to see me but knew my routine by now when I get home. I took my shoes off and set my bag next to the couch.

They sniffed it before Onyx, the black lab I have, followed after me. Lucky, the dalamation I have, contuines sniffing it for a few seconds before he followed after the both of us.

I filled both their water bowls and food bowls. They began drinking water and I pet both of them before heading off to go upstairs.

I grabbed their leashes and checked the time. We had enough time to go to the dog park if we didn't run into anyone.

I got a bag and put some of their toys in it. Then I went back downstairs.

"Onyx, Lucky" I called and they came over.

"Sit" I commanded lightly.

They both sat and I went over to Onyx first and put his leash on. I did the same to Lucky and put on my shoes again.

"Good boys" I said softly as they licked my cheek.

I chuckled and pet their heads before we left my house. I held both their leashes and closed the door.

We began walking toward the dog park that was close by. Which is close to Coach Ukais store but I didnt know this at the time.

What I also didn't know was that some of my teammates saw me and decided to follow me. What a bunch of creeps.


I didnt notice them as I was focused on my dogs. I mean who wouldn't they're very cute.

I have had multiple people ask to pet them on other walks. Mostly when I walked them on the weekends because a lot more people are out and about.

We finally arrived at the dog park and I let them run as I sat on a bench and watched them.

"Whose dogs are those?" Someone asked and I jumped and looked over to see Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Hinata.

"Um mine... why?" I asked as I looked at them.

Hinatas eyes brightened.

"Really? Can I meet them?" He asked.

I nodded and pointed over to them.

"Just be kind and they will be kind" I said and hinata nods and walks over there as to not scare both of them.

I watched as they interacted to make sure both parties was okay. I then looked at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Just seems weird" Tsukishima said

"I think they're both adorable" Yamaguchi said as I gave him a smile. "Black Lab and Dalamation right?" He asked.

"Yeah I might be getting a new Dalamation puppy this weekend so that'll be a hassle but it'll be worth it" I said.

"Good luck" Tsukishima said.

I then looked over to see Hinata in the grass as both Onyx and Lucky were licking his face. I whistled and they both looked at me.

"Come on we gotta go" I called out to them and they came running over to me.

Hinata made his way over with a grin.

"They're so friendly and cute" he said.

"They're but I gotta go. I got homework" I said.

We all waved bye to each other and I walked back to my house with Onyx and Lucky.

Word Count- 700

Hope you guys enjoyed this and my parents are driving 14 hours to get our new puppy this Friday

I can't waittttt

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