🧅😛👑- I Have Two

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Part 2 to Stoner Boyfriends will come tommorow

I hope you guys enjoy this tho

Ship- KinKuniKage

Setting- The team doesn't get that Kageyama has two boyfriends

Kageyama Pov

It was team bonding day and we were going around and saying what our sexuality was if we were comfortable with doing so. I was last and couldn't wait to be done with this.

I was ready to tell the team. We had bonded before and grown closer.

I trusted them.

"Im bisexual" Noya said proudly and everyone nodded.

"Thank you for tell us Noya" Sugawara said

It contuined before it was my turn. I bit my lip.

My answer seemed a lot more than everyone else's.

"Are you okay Kageyama?" Daichi asked.

"You don't have to tell us" Noya said.

"I know but I want to" I said and readied myself. "Im panromantic and polyamorous" I said

Everyone blinked at me.

"What?" I asked confusedly

"Whats polyamorous?" Hinata asked.

"Ooh it's basically where I can love multiple people at the same time and date them. Obviously with their consent of course" I said nervously.

( I believe that's the basic concept of it but if I'm wrong please tell me so I can fix it)

Hinata nods as he grins at me. Everyone had different reactions and I was worried.

Did they think im weird. Or maybe they thought I was making this up.

I know im not. I love both my boyfriend and my partner a lot.

We contuined team bonding for another ten minutes.

"Okay last question. Is anyone in a realtionship?" Daichi asked.

I signed a little and listened to everyone. Some were I'm a relationship, some keep it a secret, and some just weren't in one or weren't interested in a realtionship.

All the answers were valid but I was worried about my answer. Everyone besides Hinata, who actually knew I was polyamorous and had two partners, took it weirdly.

Whatever they're my team I should be able to trust them. Right?

Before I knew it, it was my turn. Hinata gave me a thumbs up and a grin.

I nodded to him and gave a little smile.

"Im in a realtionship" I said after a minute.

"Who are you dating?" Tsukishima asked.

"Tsukki he might not want to say" Yamaguchi said as Tsukishima rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

You could tell they were in a relationship. Tsukishima was only soft for Yamaguchi.

It was cute not gonna lie.

"Im fine with saying who Yamaguchi. Don't worry" I said with a chuckle as Yamaguchi nodded. "We all meet in middle school. Its Kindaichi and Kunimi" I said.

Everyone then stared at me. Well I think you get it expect Hinata.

"What?" I asked them.

"How are you dating both?" Noya asked.

Are they stupid? I just told them.

"Im polyamorous which means I can love multiple people at the same time and date multiple people as long as I have their consent" I said trying to explain it one more time.

"I dont really understand but as long as you're happy Kageyama" Asahi said with a smile.

Well maybe not everyone is a dumbass on this team.

Word Count- 535

Well that ended weirdly but whatever

Hope you guys enjoyed

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