🤨👑 ◇ Expect the Unexpected

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This was requested by @TiffanyWilliams1231
Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- DaiKage

Setting- Hinata and Kageyama are having a sleepover and they are gossiping (you can't tell me they ain't gossip friends)

Kageyama Pov

I just got to Hinatas place as we are gonna have a sleepover this weekend.

I told Daichi and be told me to have fun and told me not to text him, so me and Hinata weren't interrupted.

I smiled at that thought as I set my stuff down in Hinatas room.

"What are you smiling about?" I heard Hinata ask.

"Nothing boke" I said as I went and sat on his bed.

He came over and sat down on the bed to and then grins at me.

"What?" I asked as he then got his phone out.

"Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are finally dating" he said making me gasp.

"Really? Thats great it was kinda hard watching them interact" I said as he nods.

"Anything you notice?" He asked as I hum as I thought.

"Tanaka might be bisexual" I said as I shrugged.

He looks up at me with a shocked face.

"Tanaka? Are we taking bout the same person?" He asked as I nodded as I chuckled a bit. 

"I said might. He was talking about it with Noya. I didn't stay around to find out" I said as he pushed me a little.

"Hey! I dont wanna invade their business. If he's not ready to tell the whole team then i respect that" I said as Hinata nods.

"Yeah I would of done the same anyway" he said as I looked at him.

"Then why did you push me?" I asked him as he laughed.

"I wanted to" he said through his laughing.

"Youre lucky you're somewhat tolerable" I muttered as he contiuned laughing.

After about 10 minutes he stopped and looked at me.

"I think Daichi and Suga are dating" he said making me grin a little, but nod.

"I mean they look close, but maybe they're dating other people" I said making Hinata look at me suspiciously.

"And how would you know that?" He asked as I looked at him.

"Theres no way Daichi and Suga are dating as I'm dating Daichi " I said nonchalantly as Hinata gasped loudly.

"And you didn't tell me!" He yelled as I chuckled.

"Gotta expect the unexpected" I said as I grinned.

Word Count- 400

Hope you guys liked this and hopefully I tagged the right person lol

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