😷👑 - Stand By- Part 2

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Part 2 was requested by -ALBXDO

Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- SakuKage

Setting- Its been a few months since Sakusa told Kageyama that him and Atsumu were dating

Kageyama Pov

I frowned as I was sitting at Sakusa and I's favorite Cafe to go to. It had been the first time in months since Sakusa asked to hang out.

He said to meet here at 4 and now it's 4:30 already. His drink had gotten cold and I had finished mine ten minutes ago.

'Ten more minutes and if he isn't here I'm leaving' I thought to myself.

I checked my phone multiple times since getting here. Not one single text from Sakusa or at least Atsumu.

Atsumu and I had been texting since I met Sakusa and him at the training camp. It wasn't as often as Sakusa and I did before they started dating.

Ten minutes had passed by and I was paying for mine and Sakusa drink. I left the Cafe and began walking home.

I was mostly looking at the ground and avoiding running into people. I looked up at the wrong time and saw Sakusa and Atsumu go into a store.

They both were holding hands and Sakusa had a smile on his face but it was under his mask. Atsumu even had a mask on.

I looked back down and sped past the store they were in and soon began running home. I couldn't believe it.

Sakusa forgot about us hanging out. Was I really that unimportant to him that he just forgot about me.

I checked my phone calender and the text messages to make sure I had the right day. I opened the door to my house and signed.

I was right about the day after double checking. The tears that I was holding back soon fell down my face.

I couldn't stop them even if I tried. I went up to my room and began taking my jacket off.

I threw it wherever and collapsed onto my bed. I put my phone next to me and just curled up as more tears fell down his face.

The team decided to blow up the groupchat we had and I just ignored it. I couldn't bring myself to answer to anything.

Not even when they kept pinging me to come online. I soon put my phone on silent so it would stop.

'Its always me' I thought to myself before I fell asleep without even realizing it.

Word Count- 420

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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