📱👑- Stoner Boyfriends

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Some of the characters are gonna act like they do in fanon. I try to write them as Canon as I can but for the sake of this oneshot they need to be fanon.


Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- SunaKage

Tw- talk of drugs

Setting- Suna and Kageyama are Stoner boyfriends and the team finds out

Kageyama Pov

I checked my phone for the fifth time this practice. I was waiting for Suna to text me.

We hadn't seen each other in a few weeks and I miss him. I miss hanging out with him and getting high with him.

We didn't do it often but when we did it was amazing. I was setting to Hinata and everything was going great till Sugawara gasped.

It made Hinata and I both lose concentration and look over at him. Sugawara had my phone in his hands and I looked at him confused.

"Why do you have my phone?" I asked him.

"Why are you doing drugs?" He fired back.

I just blinked at him as everyone was looking between us. Why would he even say that out loud?

"Ooh Sugawara is going into mama mode" Tanaka said as him and Noya chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. I didnt give two shits about his 'mama mode'.

It was fucking annoying anyway. I'm my own person I can do what I want.

"I dont do it often and I'm with someone I trust" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well you're not seeing this person who keeps texting you. They seems like they're your supplier for drugs" he said before he types something on my phone.

'What the hell?' I thought to myself as most of the team was either lost or chuckling.

I walked over to him and snatched my phone back.

"Do you pay my phone bill?" I asked him seriously.

He didn't say anything just stared at me.

"I didn't think so. When you start paying for my phone bill that's when you can dictate who I talk to. Stay out of my business" I said before grabbing all my stuff and left practice.

I then deleted what he wrote out and typed my own text to Suna.

'I'm coming over early and have everything set up before I get there' I texted him and shut my phone off.

Even as it vibrated I didn't check it. I was fuming.

Who does Sugawara think he is. My mom?

Fuck the team for going along with that. That was private and something that I didn't want the team knowing.

Obviously I can't trust the team with my phone so I'll have to shut it fully down at practice. That'll suck but I don't want them going through my phone.

Wait... how did Sugawara even know my pass code?

Word Count- 475

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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