😷🐝👑- Movie Night

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I literally don't know if anyone ships this but I needed a new ship to do lol


Hope you enjoy this

Ship- SakuAtsuKage

Setting- Sakusa, Atsumu, and Kageyama are enjoying a movie night

Kageyama Pov

The microwave beeped and I opened it. I got the popcorn out and started another one.

It was movie night and Atsumu went out to get drinks. Sakusa was choosing what movie to watch as it was his turn to pick.

I dumped the popcorn into a bowl. I had gotten two bowls of it ready as everyone one of us likes our popcorn different.

Sakusa likes light butter and some m&ms in it. Atsumu likes it loaded with butter and salt.

I like it plain. No butter or salt. Just popcorn.

(Totally didn't give Kageyama my taste buds lol)

Soon the microwave beeped again and I got my popcorn out of the microwave. The front door opened and smiled as I heard Atsumu.

"I got everything" he called out.

"Good bring it in here. Tobio should be done" Sakusa said as Atsumu went to the living room.

I held the three bowls and went to the living room. Sakusa and Atsuku were setting up the coffee table with the drinks.

They left room for the bowls. I gave Sakusa his and Atsumu his.

"Remember which one is yours. I also put different color sticky note on all of them so you'll remember" I said looking at Atsumu.

"Okay I got it. I got orange ill remember" he said with a chuckle.

I nodded and set mine down. We all sat down and Sakusa played the movie.

I love movie night. It gave us time to ourselves and sometimes we would just talk for hours after the movie was done.

"Want some popcorn Tobio?" Atsumu asked.

I nodded softly as I was snuggled up against Sakusa. Atsumu grabbed a few from his bowl and gave it to me.

I didnt notice and ate them. Once I started to taste them I looked at Atsumu.

He had a grin on his face. I quickly got up and got a napkin and spit them out.

"Atsumu" I said as I went back into the living room.

He looked at me and smiled innocently.

"Next time you do that im not making you popcorn" I said as I glared slightly.

"Okay okay I won't do it again" he said with his hands raised.

"Good" I muttered and threw away the napkin and went to get some water.

I drank most of the glass. Fucking hell does Atsumu like salt.

I went back to the living room and we finished the movie. Even if Atsumu does stuff like this I still love him.

Sakusa sometimes does stuff like this. I love them both dearly and couldn't imagine my life without them.

Word Count- 477

If you haven't guessed it I fucking hate butter and salt

Anyway Hope you guys enjoyed this

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