📱👑- Im Not Dating Him

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This was requested by chilling_in_your_mom

I have nothing to do at work besides this lol. Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- SunaKage

Setting- His team didn't believe he had a boyfriend. Neither does Sunas.

Kageyama Pov

I couldn't tell how many times I had either ignored or eye rolled this practice. It was a lot okay?

Everyone, besides Hinata surprisingly, was adamant that I liked Hinata. Which I used to.

How could I not, but that's just not how our relationship is now. We are close but he's in a relationship with Kenma and Kuroo.

I dont even know how that happened and everytime I ask he just smirks and laughs. I've stopped asking at this point.

Hinata seemed to be getting uncomfortable with how the team was teasing us. They always saw us together because well who would want to get teased when hanging out with a friend the whole time.

So we stuck together and gossiped obviously. Mostly about our boyfriends and planning a hang out with all of us together.

"Maybe this weekend?" Hinata asked as we were getting water together.

I hummed and thought for a moment.

"I think thats fine. I'll ask Suna later when I get home" I said

He nodded happily as he gave me his water bottle. Now we share water bottles as sometimes he forgets his or I forget mine.

I dont mind nor does he as we have grown close like siblings. But the team didn't think so.

They thought we were sharing because we're in 'love'.

"Look they're even sharing a water bottle" Tsukishima said getting everyone's attention as I sighed.

I looked at Hinata and he was tense and was uncomfortable by the way he kept his head low. I just patted his head and gave him a silent look

I knew Suna had the same problem with Osamu as they were queen platonic partners. They had been since they meet from what I understand.

It never bothered me as I knew that Suna needed someone like that as I have Hinata.

"Im with Suna. I don't know what yall dont get" I spoke loudly as u turned to look at the team. "Hinata and I aren't together. Never was never will" I contuined.

"If that's what you wanna tell yourselves. I can tell love when I see it" Sugawara said making me get more pissed off.

Hinata grabbed my arm and just shook his head quietly. I glared at the team before going to walk away with Hinata so we could cool off.

I wonder how bad Sunas team is or if they'll soon understand unlike our team.

Word Count- 445

Hope you guys like this and I'll probably do a part two of Suna pov

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