😼💻👑- Winter

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Ship- KuroKenKage

Setting- Kageyama doesn't like winter but his boyfriends make it kinda enjoyable

Kageyama Pov

It was winter and I already hated it. It made everything so much harder to do.

I looked outside to see children playing in the snow and sighed. I didnt get why they would want to be outside.

It was cold. Really cold.

I had to crank the heat just so the house was warm. Even then I was under two blankets and curled up to keep as much heat in as I could.

I was waiting for my boyfriends to get back. They went ice skating earlier.

They offered for me to go but I said no. I've never tried ice skating and it would be cold.

They understood and went. That was a few hours ago.

Kuroo had texted me that him and Kenma would be home soon. I couldnt wait for them to get home.

Whenever they came back we would all cuddle in our bed together. It kept all of us warm and it made me feel safe.

I heard the door opened and I looked over and smiles. Kenma came in first and took his shoes off before coming over to me.

"Hey" he said with a small smile.

"Hey. Was it fun?" I asked.

He nodded and gave me a quick kiss. Kuroo had come in and took his shoes off.

He then came over and gave me a kiss.

"Staying warm?" He asked with a chuckle.

I nodded.

"I am but it would be better if we were all cuddling" I said with a tiny smirk.

He grinned at me and nods.

"Then let's go" Kuroo said as he picked me up.

I gripped him tightly as Kenma gives a tiny laugh and follows us upstairs. I could feel Kuroos laugh and I huffed.

"Shush" I mumbled.

"Whatever you say" Kuroo said as he opened the door to our room.

He walked in and laid me onto the bed.

"Let us change then we all will cuddle and figure out dinner" he said as Kenma was already changing.

I nodded and curled up on the bed. It made me cold as the bed hadn't been touched since this morning.

I started shivering and hoped that Kuroo and Kenma would hurry up. I felt the bed dip down behind me and moved slightly to see behind me.

Kenma was getting into the bed and smiled.

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you" he said.

"Its fine" I said as he wrapped a arm around my waist and pulled me close.

I smiled as I put my hand over his. The bed dipped again and I looked over and saw Kuroo.

"Cuddling without me?" He asked

I nodded and grinned.

"Should of been faster" I said as he grinned back at me.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested them on Kenma. I smiled as I rested my head on his chest.

I closed my eyes as my body warmed up. Kuroo and Kenma began talking quietly about what to have for dinner.

I chimed in a few times but mostly stayed quiet. I was content and warm and that's all that mattered.

Word Count- 542

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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