😤👑 ◇ Parents Arent Always Right

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Ship- SugaKage

Setting- Kageyama and Sugawaras parents don't want them dating but they do anyway

Kageyama Pov

I signed as my parents lectured me again before school. Its been like this since Sugawara and I started dating.

They're always telling me how I  shouldn't date him or I should find someone else to date. From what Sugawara has said its the same for him to.

I was walking to Sugawara house and waited outside of it for him. It was a habit I have now that I started once we started dating.

Sugawra thought it was sweet if me to wait for him every morning. It also gave us time to be alone before practice and school.

The team knows about us dating but not about our parents. We want to keep it that way so they don't worry bout us.

"Tobio" I heard someone call and I looked up.

"Hey Suga" I said with a soft smile on my face.

We begin walking to school while holding each others hand. We talked and laughed as we walked.

Sooner than we both would of liked we got to school and headed to the club room. Both of us changed and headed to the gym.

Half way through practice Sugawaras phone started ringing. He answered and talked with whoever was on the phone.

His body tensed and I instantly knew who was on the other end. Everyone was confused but gave him space.

I went over to him as he ended the call.

"Its alright Suga" I said softly as he burried his face into my chest.

"M-my parents..." I choked out through his crying.

"I know I know" I said as he just rubbed his back.

Luckily it was break and I was able to calm Sugawara down before we had to continue practice. The rest of practice was filled with cheers and laughter as the team did everything they could to cheer Sugawara up.

Word Count- 334

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