👑🏐- Research

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I fucking hate everyone

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Ship- KageHina

Setting- Once Hinata gets home he instantly was on the computer and doing something

Kageyama Pov

I was making dinner when Hinata came home. He quickly came over to and kissed my cheek before going onto the computer.

Usually he greets me and asks how my day was so seeing him go to the computer was off. It didn't bother me so I kept cooking.

"Shoyo dinner" I said as I set set table.

"Okay coming" he said as he got up and came over to the table.

I put the food on the table and our drinks.

"Need anything else?" I asked him.

He shakes his head.

"No this is perfect Tobio but I need to tell you something that happened today" he said excitedly.

"Okay hold on" I said as I got some sauce out and sat down. "Go ahead" I said.

Hinatas eyes brightened as he nodded.

"So this new coworker started a few days ago and I finally got a shift with them. We were both on break and talking and they said they had two significant others" he said as he put food on his plate.

I nodded as I did the same.

"Obviously I was excited to know more about them and they began explaining that they were polyamorous. I then had them explain because I didn't know what that meant." He contuined on as he began eating his food.

"We're you respectful to them Shoyo?" I asked him

He nods.

"Of course. Do you even have to ask. Anyway they didn't get to explain a lot to me since our break was over so I decided to do more research on it. So that's what I've been doing since I got home." He said as he bounced in his seat out of excitement.

I smiled softly. Even if we both were bad at school Hinata always had a easy time understanding and learning about something to help him understand someone else better.

I was always envious of that but in turn Hinata explained it to me everutime he found something interesting. It was great for the both us so we didn't offend someone.

"I bet they will appreciate that Sho" I said softly.

"I hope. I can't wait to meet their significant others. Ooh maybe we can go on double dates" he said as I smiled.

Hinata never ceases to surprise me even after ten years of knowing him.

Word Count- 420

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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