👑🏐 ◇ The Mistake

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Ship- KageHina

Setting- Hinata has a fever and the team makes it a big deal to see how Kageyama would react

Kageyama Pov

I walk into the gym alone today.

It was kinda weird not running into Hinata.

Once I entered the gym everyone on in the gym had a sullen mood.

It made me confused so I quietly went over to Daichi and Sugawara.

"Um why does everyone look down?" I asked quietly.

They both looked at me then looked at each other.

Then Daichi started to talk.

"Hinata is bedridden" he said making my eyes widen.

"Will he be okay for nationals?" I asked and Daichi shrugs.

"We dont know. It seems bad" he said as I wasn't listening anymore.

I just nod and go over to the wall and sit against it.

I could feel everyone watching me, but I paid them no mind.

I pulled a shirt out of my bag.

It was Hinatas.

He had left it the last time he slept over and I was gonna give it to him today.

I gripped it and brought it close to my chest as tears began to travel down my face and onto the shirt.

I heard a few gasps, but once again I paid them no mind.

"Please be okay. I need you" I whispered not even realizing that I was talking out loud.

No one heard me with how shocked they were that I was crying.

I just hope Hinata is okay.

~Time Skip~

It was the next day and I was walking to the gym.

I had left earlier then I usually did so I could just practice on my own since Hinata most likely wouldn't be there.

I got there and unlocked the gym.

I had asked Daichi for the key and I began setting everything up.

Once I was finished I heard the gym doors open.

I turned to greet my teammate when I saw Hinata.

"Hinata..?" I asked with my eyes widen.

Hinata looked at me with a confused face.

"What? I just had a fever yesterday. I told Daichi I would be here if I didn't have one today" he said making me confused.

Why wouldn't the team tell me that Hinata only had a fever?

"Daichi said you were bedridden and didn't know if you were gonna be okay for nationals" I whispered, but Hinata heard.

He then made a angry face.

"What? Why would they say that?"  He asked angrily.

"I dont know" I said softly as I looked at him.

Hinata looks over at me and smiles a little.

"Whatever they told you isn't true. Im fine now. Come on lets practice" he said excitedly.

I nodded and we both practice for a half an hour before we just sat down and enjoyed each others company.

There isnt many times that we get to do this.

Word Count- 488

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