🧅👑 ◇ Let Me Help You

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Ship- KinKage

Tw- disordered eating

Setting- Kindaichi comes home to see Kageyama stressing over exams

3rd Person Pov

Kindaichi had just arrived home and he kicked his shoes off.

"Tobio, I'm home" he called out into the house but didn't get a response back.

He frowned a bit as Kageyama always called back to him. He wasn't always here because they go to different schools.

He always called Kageyama's house his home as it felt more like home than his house. He walked into the house more and found Kageyama pacing in the living room.

"Tobio?" He asked which startled Kageyama and he looked over.

"Oh, hey Yutaro," he said before going back to pacing.

Kindaichi frowned more and went over to him. he slowly pulled Kageyama to the couch and sat him down.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"I have exams in two days," Kageyama said quietly making Kindaichi nod.

Kageyama always stressed himself out during the week of exams.

"Alright have you had anything to eat or drink?" he asked as Kageyama shakes his head.

"Since when?" Kindaichi asked as he knew Kageyamas habits.

"I don't know... I think two days ago. I have been studying and the club has extended the hours we practice" he mumbled as he finally relaxed against Kindaichi's chest.

"Tobio, you know that's bad for you," Kindaichi said making Kageyama nod.

"Forgot," he said softly.

Kindaichi gets up and goes to the fridge and finds something easy for Kageyama to eat. He went back to him and handed him the food.

Kageyama takes it and slowly began eating as Kindaichi went to get him a glass of water. Kageyama took the glass and slowly drank the water.

"Better?" Kindaichi asked.

"Yeah thanks, Yutaro" he mumbled as he cuddled into Kindaichi's chest.

Kindaichi pulled Kageyama closer as he played with his hair. Kageyama slowly fell asleep and Kindaichi smiles as he stayed where he was so Kageyama could sleep.

Word Count- 320

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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