👑🚫- You Guys Are Brothers?

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Ship- No ship

Setting- Hinata and Kageyama are brothers and Karasuno find out

Kageyama Pov

I chuckled as Hinata and I run home.

"Wait up" I called out as Hinata was pretty far ahead.

He looks back at me and grins.

"Gotta get faster" he yelled back.

I huffed and ran as fast as I could but still wasn't able to catch him. I panted as I made it to the door.

Hinata was standing there and grinning. I looked at him and gave him a fake glare.

"Shut up" I said and walked into the house with him.

We just relaxed all night and soon it was the next morning. We got ready and put on our matching bracelets that our parents had gotten.

I looked at mine and smiled softly. I was glad that Hinata took me in when my parents had died.

Now even if I use a different  last name I'm apart of their family.

"Bye Mom" we both said as we left the the house.

Hinata looks at me and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes?" I asked.

"How long do you think the team is gonna think we are dating for?" He asked.

I stopped and looked at him.

"What?" I asked with wide eyes.

Hinata looked at me.

"Didn't you know?" He asked as his head tilted.

"No I didn't" I said.

"Oh well the team thinks we're dating" he said with a shrug and began walking again.

"But why?" I asked once I had catched up with him.

"Probably because we hang out around each other almost ever second of the day" he said as we made it to the gym.

I just hummed as we changed and went into the gym. I began stretching a bit with Hinata as we talked.

Everyone was basically staring at us like we should do something.

"Aww is the king not gonna kiss his boyfriend because everyone is watching?" Tsukishima taunted but it just made me confused.

"I dont have a boyfriend" I said with an eye roll and went to go get the volleyball cart.

"Yes you do. It's hinata" Yamaguchi pipped up like he was helping.

I came back with the cart and stared them down.

"Hes my brother dipshits" I said before I looked at Hinata. "Come on"

Hinata nods and ignorez everyone as we began to practice as they just stared.

Word Count- 422

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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