👑🏐 ◇ My Feelings

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Ship- KageHina

Setting- Kageyama didnt think he would anyone that would turn into a crush

Kageyama Pov

All throughout my life I never knew what the big deal was about having a crush.

It never made any sense.

How could you just look at someone once and have a crush on them.

It was late into my third year of middle school when I figure out that I was demiromantic.

I had sexual feelings for people, but I didnt act on them.

I didnt really care and the idea of sex did disgust me.

It wasn't till I meet Hinata and we got closer and closer did I start getting feelings for him.

The only problem was I didn't even know the signs of someone liking you.

It wasn't till we were at my house and he told me.

"Kageyama?" He asked in the middle of us doing our school work.

"Hm?" I asked him as I looked up at him.

"I just wanted to say something" he said nervously.

"What?" I asked him as I put my pencil down.

"I-i like you" he said making my eyes widen and blush coated my cheeks.

"Wait... really?" I asked him and he looked up at me.

He nodded and didnt say anything.

"Well.. um I like you to" I said quietly, but Hinata seemed to hear it.

"So does that mean we're boyfriends?" He asked making me chuckle.

"Yeah it does, but can we do this slow?" I asked him nervously "I've never been in a realtionship"

Hinata nods as smiles.

"Of course its my first one to" he said as he leaned over and kissed ny cheek.

"That okay for now?" He asked.

"Yeah thats okay" I said as he goes back to his school work as did I.

"If I ever do something that makes you uncomfortable tell me" I said as he looks up and nods.

"That same for you" He said.

We quietly did our work till Hinata had to go home.

He was walking out and waved bye to him.

I was about to close the door when Hinata turned back and ran to me and kissed my cheek again.

It made me blush, but smile as I watched him run home.

Word Count- 400

Hope you guys liked this.

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