😤👑- Strict Parents

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Ship- SugaKage

Setting- Kageyama is a well behaved kid but his mom puts him on a show called "World's Strictest Parents' just for the money

Kageyama Pov

I was in my room when my mom called me. I went out to the living room.

"Yeah mom?" I asked as she looked over to me.

"Hun tommorow you are going to America" she said giving no context.

"Huh? Why?" I asked as I was confused.

"Youre gonna be on this TV show called 'World's Strictest Parents'" she said before going to her room.

'What? I've never heard of that show before. I guess it's just living with strict parents' I thought.

I didnt watch TV much as most of my time practicing volleyball and doing school. I went back to my room and began packing.

I then called Sugawara on my laptop as I packed.

"Hey babe" I heard and I smiled.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked.

"Im doing good. What are you doing?" He asked

"Packing I'm gonna be on this TV show or something" I said with a shrug.

Sugawara nods. My mom has put me on other shows before so we both were kinda used to this.

"Do you know where you're going?" He asked.

"Somewhere in America" I said softly.

It was a good thing I was excellent at English.

"Well you probably have a early flight so why don't you get some sleep" he said.

"I will. I'll call you as much as I can" I said as I smiled a him.

"Okay try to have fun. I love you" he said softly.

"I love you to Koushi" I said before the call ended.

I finished packing and got ready for bed. I was out before I knew it and slept till around three am when my mom woke me up.

I got ready and helped my mom with getting ready. Soon we were driving to the airport.

"The other person thats going with you is named Sasha" she said once we arrived.

"Okay bye mom" I said as I waved to her.

I got my bag and soon saw a camera crew and someone with them. I walked over to them.

"Im guessing your Sasha?" I asked.

The girl nods.

"Thats me. Your Tobio?" She asked.

"Oh yes. Can you use my last name please since we aren't close?" I asked politely.

She nods and we entered the  airport and got onto the plane and hour later. I yawned and got my tiny pillow out and went to sleep.

I woke up right as we were beginning our descent to thr runway. I looked around to see if I knew where we.

I didnt recognize anything so I looked over to Sasha.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked her.

"Somewhere in Michigan" she responded with a shrug.

I nodded as we exited the airplane. We got our bags from baggage claim and went to go find our 'parents' for this week.

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