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I didn't even know what emoji to do for Komori so if you have a better one tell me


Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- KomoKage

Setting- Kageyama and Komori have been spending a lot of time together and Sakusa notices

Kageyama Pov

I grinned as I raced after Komori. We were just running around a volleyball court at the Youth Training Camp.

Practice had ended an hour ago but we stayed back to contuine. We'll we did then he just started chasing me.

Now it's just a game of tag. I smirked as I tagged him back and began running away from him.

What we didn't notice was that Sakusa was watching us. He noticed we didn't come back from our practice and went to come look for us.

And he says he doesn't care. Obviously he does.

Then we heard someone clear their throat and we both looked over to the gyms door. Komori bumped into me making me fall and I braced myself.

"Shit sorry Kags" Komori said as he helped me up.

"Its fine I wasn't hurt" I said as he smiled at me.

I blushed a bit and looked away. Sakusa cleared his throat again and we looked over at him.

Both of us blushing this time.

"What are you guys still doing here?" He asked us.

"We were practicing but then it evolved into a game of tag" Komori said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Whatever let's go" he said as we followed him. "Go get dinner before the cafeteria closes"

Komori nods as he goes and I go to follow him before Sakusa grabs my sleeve.

"Dont you dare hurt him" he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"I wont" I told him seriously as he nods.

"Go have fun" he said as he walked back to where we were staying.

I grinned a little before going to join Komori. Seems like I just got permission to date Komori from his cousin.

Word Count- 336

Hope you guys enjoy this

Thank you guys for 70k reads it means a lot to me

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