😼👑- Not What You Expect

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Any ships you guys wanna see me do.
But I hope you enjoy this

Ship- KuroKage

This is when they are of age to drink so they both 21 (I know it's different but I'm just doing USA's law since I live there)

Setting- All of Karasuno is out getting drinks and Kuroo, Kageyamas boyfriend, surprises him at the club

Kageyama Pov

We just got to the club and we were let in. It was my birthday so the old Karasuno team are going out to celebrate.

Kuroo, my boyfriend, said he was working late but we would do something tommorow to celebrate. I didnt mind as I knew coaching a team was hard and on top of that a side job to.

Someone had gotten all of us shots and we all downed it. There was a slight burn in my throat but it wasnt bad.

Perks of having an older boyfriend and drinking with him sometimes.
Soon we all had about two or three shots.

Sugawara pulled Daichu to the dance floor as we laughed.

"How is your boyfriend Kageyama?" Hinata asked.

I hadn't told them who I was dating just that I had a boyfriend. I dont think any of them would care but it was something I wanted to keep private.

I watched as everyone mingled together and some went to the dance floor. Soon it was just me at the table as I didn't want to dance.

Someone's arms came around me and I looked over my shoulder.

"Kuroo" I said softly with a smile.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You really thought I was gonna miss your birthday?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"I dunno" I mumbled.

Kuroo kissed my cheek and sat next to me. I cuddled into Kuroo and hummed.

"How many drinks have you had so far?" He asked.

"Only a couple of shots" I said as I looked at him.

"Wanna go home and have better alcohol?" He asked.

I grinned at him.

"Do you even have to ask" I said as we both got up and exited the club.

We got into our car and Kuroo drove us home. I held his hand the whole time.

Word Count- 371

Hope you guys enjoyed

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